A love letter to Wigtown

🌹 Roses are red
🪻 Violets are blue
🍻 The Wigtown Ploughman
🍾 Is now owned by you!

We’re absolutely delighted to announce that today the sale of the building has successfully concluded and The Wigtown Ploughman is now owned by the Wigtown Community Inn CBS.

Our next steps include lots of paperwork, many more meetings, and further planning of the intricacies of opening the building up to the community as swiftly and diligently as possible. This is where your help and support are absolutely vital.

Our Community Share Offering is open until the 3rd of March and your investment pledges are the quickest way we can make business commitments and fully open our doors to offer exactly what we’ve been working towards. Please take a moment to find out more about the share offering.

A massive thank you to so many of you who have already pledged over £4,000; we’re humbled and grateful for your trust and support. We understand that not everyone is in a position to support the project financially, and we want you to know that regardless of whether you invest, the building is equally yours to use. It is an asset that belongs to the community and everyone is welcome.

In the coming days we’ll be sharing more details of what’s involved in getting the doors open, and the volunteering efforts we’ll need to get the building upgraded and cleaned. It’s been almost 3 years since it was last open to the public, so there’s plenty of elbow grease needed!

A few other thank yous are in order, for without the support of a small army we would not be in this fortunate position right now:

♥️ Massive thanks to Kirsten and her team at SOSE whose investment has enabled the purchase of the building; their support has been outstanding.
♥️ Thanks to the Plunkett Foundation for their guidance and smaller grants that have enabled surveys and other crucial costs to be covered.
♥️ Thank you to everyone who previously donated before we had a Share Offering in place, it has been critical in showing we have some working capital to pay for things such as insurance.
♥️ Thank you to the many people involved with the numerous forms of fundraising efforts and the community for supporting those efforts.
♥️ Thank you to all Members that have sent messages of support, attended meetings, asked how they can be involved, asked thoughtful questions, and given advice and insights along the way. 
♥️ And a final personal thank you to everyone past, present, and dearly departed on the Management Committee – this project is truly a labour of love and a massive team effort – your dedication is appreciated more than you can ever know.

Our next Members’ Meeting is the 24th of February at 8pm in the Wigtown County Buildings. We hope everyone can join us there whilst we continue to work in the background to prepare the building for its phased opening.

Cheers 🍻

1 thought on “A love letter to Wigtown”

  1. Well Done to you all, it’s so important to have a community that respects its heritage and future. Good luck with all your endeavours.
    I hope the next time I’m in Wigtown I’ll be able to take a seat in the Ploughman with my son and daughter in law.


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